I’m Done Answering QuickVerse Questions

Update – September 26, 2015 – This is the most popular article on our blog, believe it or not. I wrote this in 2007 and people are still coming here, looking for QuickVerse support. If you’re here you need to just give up on your old version of QuickVerse. Time has left you behind. ๐Ÿ™‚


I get several emails every month from people running QuickVerse 4 and needing help to install it on a new machine, or to install some add-on product. Or they want to know where to find a particular QuickVerse 4 Bible, CD, or other related program.

I’ve made a decision tonight to just be done with that topic. Laridian has its own Bible software for Windows now, so there’s no need for anyone to keep using QuickVerse.

I sold all my interest in QuickVerse to Intuit coincident with the sale of Parsons Technology to Broderbund in 1994. QuickVerse 4 (the most popular version of QuickVerse) came out in 1996 I think. I left Parsons Technology in 1998. It’s been about that long since tech support was available for QuickVerse 4 from its current owner. That’s a long time.

I used to have a QuickVerse 4 patch at my website but I took it down in 2014. It’s past time to move on. Both for me and for die-hard QuickVerse customers.

Until 2007ย there wasn’t a good option for people who liked the old QuickVerse programs. Now there is. I’m ready to retire from the QuickVerse support business. I don’t really remember anything about that program anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚

— Craig

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Dave Z
Dave Z
17 years ago

I remember doing tech support and people would call in running Mac OS 9.2.2 (or 8.6, even!). All the while 10.3 was flourishing. I can understand being comfortable with a user interface. But really, there’s a time to let go and move on to bigger and better things.

william bernard
william bernard
17 years ago

could you help me out i got quickverse on my old computer which is xp i try to put it on my new one buy want go my new window is a vista do they have a quickverse software for window vista thank you

Bruce Gilliland
Bruce Gilliland
17 years ago

I still have my QV4 CD, but I have long since moved on. QV7 was OK, but OV 8 and 9 were bad, and it took 5 years to go from 7 to 8. QV11 (2007) is pretty good. However, as I said in an earlier post, my QV and Logos may gather dust now that PB/Windows is out. PB/Windows is much faster and easier to use.

Laridian has the best overall combination. QV’s mobile version has a lot of problems, not to mention few resources. Nelson, a Logos user, has eBible, but it’s not that great. A couple of other PDA-based programs work well but have only old, public-domain books.

Dale Durnell
Dale Durnell
17 years ago

I was one of those old “die hard” fans (both of the movies and QuickVerse 4) ;-). I’ve bought several new machines in the past umpteen years and yes, I moved QV4 from machine to machine. But, I support your decision to quit answering questions.
I bought a Dell Axim Pocket PC several years ago and have had Laridian for the Pocket PC for at least four years now. And, with the advent of Pocket Bible for the PC, you are right — there is no need for me to be running QV4 anymmore. I kept the old program because sometimes I’m in a hurry, and I want to simply look up and or copy something without the issues related to firing up my other Bible program.
I’m enjoying Pocket Bible for the PC tremendously and the ease of use is wonderful (it’s like an old friend).

Mike Hardin
Mike Hardin
17 years ago

Wow, Dale Durnell, that’s a blast from the past. I used to swear by your macros for qv4 and Word Perfect. Now I use neither. I did get here looking for a solution for using qv6 on my new vista machine though. I’m getting an error that qvedit.ocx, or something like that, wasn’t found. BUT, I certainly don’t expect craig to suppport it. My problem with “moving on” to newer programs has to do with CONTENT! When I switch to a non Quickverse, or at least a not STEP version of Bible Software, what happens to my investment in books that were purchased to run on that platform? I think that is why people hang on to the old so long. It’s not so much about the old application, but the books run into some serious money, too much to just blow off when the application becomes obsolete.

David Bruce
David Bruce
17 years ago

No wonder you are through answering QV questions. It stinks! Due to a dearth of Bible software for the Mac I purchased QV black box while I wait (im)patiently for Logos to offer their Mac Version (hopefully before the rapture). Anyway, the software doesn’t seem to work on my MacBook.I just hope the store will take it back.
Please, oh, please, Mr. Wizard, we Mac-ites desperately need you! Don’t make me get a petition…I’ll do it!

Dale Durnell
Dale Durnell
17 years ago

Actually Craig, IMHO, 4.0 was *THE* really great 16bit version. However, Ver 5.1 (note the “.1”) was still a pretty good 32 bit release. But there never was much need or value received to move up beyond that — after you left, it all went downhill (even the last of the Parsons versions).

Mark Giordano
Mark Giordano
17 years ago

Okay so these are the realities of life and time.

All I want to know is has anybody successfully installed Quickverse 4g on Vista? It doesn’t matter which version it is to me; what I need are hightlights and notes. Two things that make that old version 4 software so valuable. It’s the features not the version that are so good.

Thanks again Craig for all your hard work. Since version 4g, I too have married off three children! After trying Vista, I am now migrating to MAC. So there it goes again.

Jeff Mikres
Jeff Mikres
17 years ago

Tried to access your web site and could not finish the deal. Just spinning wheels.

Mark Giordano
Mark Giordano
17 years ago

Version 4g worked on Vista for me when it was carried over in a Vista upgrade from XP. But it doesn’t seem to be the same with a clean install. After installing Vista in a new laptop, I couldn’t get Quickverse to open, even with the compatibility wizard. If someone can confirm that it does in fact work with Vista, I can take it from there.

On the other hand, I am very interested in doing the same thing Craig’s done from the user standpoint–like…moving on. So I plan to have a close look at PocketBible. If it’s all the same and then some, that’s the better solution.

Stephen Schwambach
Stephen Schwambach
17 years ago

I totally respect Craig’s decision. So…is anyone else able to help me install QV4 on my new machine? My old machine crashed and I can’t prove to my QV4 upgrade software that I ever purchased an earlier version. It says it can’t find my qvwin.ini file.

I am not trying to rip off the old Parsons. I bought a number of QV versions – including one I disliked so much I never used. I just sent a friend to check out PocketBible, so at least I’m showing my appreciation to Craig for this page in that way!

Joe Thomas
Joe Thomas
17 years ago

I’ve owned QV2 for DOS, QV4, QV6 (with Greek) and QV8. All these years later I still use QV4 daily, and QV6 only for the Greek. I only use 8 if I need commentaries. Craig, QV4 was definitely the best.

QV4 and 8 installed OK on my new Vista machine, but 6 won’t (the “QVEDIT failed to register” message). I can use Greek on my XP laptop but not my desktop.

Like Stephen, I totally understand why Craig doesn’t want to spend time supporting old software from a company he is not a part of. Is there anybody who knows how to deal with the QVEDIT.OCX error?

I bought Laridian bible for my Palm, but I no longer use a Palm, just a laptop.

Joe Thomas
Joe Thomas
17 years ago

I just looked at the new Laridian bible software and it looks great, except… no Greek bible. Any plans for a Greek NT? the last good thing QuickVerse did was have a greek version in V6. If there was a greek Bible I would definitely buy Laridian. Thanks.

Bob Bishop
Bob Bishop
17 years ago

The โ€œQVEDIT failed to registerโ€ message is solved in Vista, at least for qv6 by right clicking the Quickverse icon on your desktop and selecting Properties then choosing the Compatabiity tab and ticking Run this program as an administrator. After this Quickverse seems to launch OK. I can’t claim any credit for this – I found it on another website and tried it and it worked.

Scott Veach
Scott Veach
17 years ago

There are some interesting comments here about the different versions of QV. And I thought I should add my own.

My first experience with QV was version 6.0, running on Win 98SE, and later on XP. It was great for what I needed it for. Recently, though, I upgraded to a new laptop to bring with me to Afghanistan, with Vista. QV 6.0, I later found out, is completely incompatible. And there is no “fix” for it. So I purchased QV2007 basic(ver.11), and loaded it with the maintenance upgrade available from the QV website. There were also some instructions to change the compatibility on two program files . After completing this “maintenance,” I was able to import all the books I had previously purchased with QV6.0, and have access to a large library now.

I couldn’t bring my large hardbound library with me to Afghanistan, so this electronic library has been good to me.

However, reading the comments here, I think I’ll check out the Pocket Bible program now.


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