Craig and Jeff at Coffee Emporium, May 7, 2010
My friend and Laridian co-founder Jeff Wheeler passed away this morning, the victim of a rare and particularly aggressive form of cancer. He was 49.
Jeff and I worked together for 27 years at three different companies and founded Laridian together. The features that you love in QuickVerse and PocketBible and which you often praise me for were likely Jeff’s ideas and his doing. If I didn’t build on Jeff’s foundation, he would dig me a new foundation while I was paying attention to something else. He was my sounding board and my reference library. While being all this to me, he still managed to deeply impact his family for Christ and touch others through his home school choir, his leadership in his local church, and his service to his denomination’s state board.
Men like this do not pass this way often. Well lived, Jeff.
Wow, what a surprise. I’m so grateful for the ministry that you guys started together. I know that many like myself have been deeply impacted by the tools you have made available to us. Thank you for your service. Thank you Lord for the life lived in service to you to accomplish your purposes, to nurture your bride.
We share your sorrow of losing a good friend. You two have influenced many people for many years, giving us the ability to have The Word with us wherever we go. I started with the Palm, and now with iPhone and iPad. I just could not imagine not having Pocket Bible. Thank you so much.
Oh wow. Words fail at times like this, But prayers always work.
I owe him a lot. I have been a user ever since I had my Palm device and through all its reincarnations. Then moved on to Windows Mobile, then iOS and Android. This has helped immensely in my Bible studies and in preaching preparation. Jeff and you will always be in my heart and prayers. Thank you Jesus for sending to us men like the both of you. And now that Jeff is with the Lord I celebrate his work here on earth. May God continue to bless Laridian with the work that Jeff has left with you, Craig.
So sorry for your loss: so glad for him that He’s in the presence of the Lord.
Thanks for the iPhone apps Craig. Now that Jeff is with the Lord I’m sure he knows how much we appreciate the good work you guys have done. Just wanted to encourage you as well during this difficult time.
My prayers and my heart go out to Jeff’s family and your ministry. May the Lord surround you all with His peace that passes understanding.
I still have fond memories of working with Jeff as a beta tester on a DOS version of Quick Verse. What a legacy.
I still use the tools you guys developed every day.
I have wondered how he was doing since I read some time ago about his struggle. He is healed!
Please pass along to his family that others are praying for them, and for you at Laridian as well. May God continue to bless you all.
My condolences to you, your co-workers at Laridian, and most especially to Jeff’s family. I have been following Jeff’s inspirational blog, and it is clear that he touched people the world over. I am convinced that Jeff is now in Heaven: Free of pain and enjoying being able to sing once again. The pain for those of you left behind however will be intense. Many, many of us will be praying for you. May God bless you all.
How sad. I knew he had cancer but no clue it was that far advanced. My prayers for his family, both his biological one and the one at Laridian.
[…] I read the sad news that Jeff Wheeler, Bible software developer and co-founder of Laridian, went to be […]
We are with you in grieving the loss of your friend’s presence. I agree with the comment that Jeff is now fully aware of the impact of the ministry you shared. (Business seems an inadequate term). But for the sake of his family and friends, and you, I want to say thank you for giving us such a gift. PocketBible has been by my side in almost constant use since my first HP Jornada, Dell Axim, iPhone, etc.
As for Jeff, I think of Billy Graham’s words, “One of these days you are going to read that I have died. Don’t you believe a word of it!”
God bless all who are close, and sustain you.
So sorry to hear of this for those left behind. For Jeff, I celebrate that he has begun eternity with our Lord and Savior. May God’s blessings and peace fall on us that are still awaiting that day.
I’m so sorry for your and his family’s loss. This thing called Laridian you started together is just a part of your legacy together and separately, but a life lived for Christ is the best reward. He’s perfect now, and that’s his victory. We’ll see Jeff and Christ somewhere down the road!
May He comfort you all as you mourn his loss.
Having had a business partner only 18 months, I know how deep the relationship quickly becomes. Craig, you have experienced the death of a close family member. The pain & sorrow will be deep. I pray that God will draw you even closer to Him as He walks with you through this very deep valley.
Deeply grateful for all Jeff did to impact the kingdom. Praying for his family and friends. Thanks for all you do!
I was shocked to read this news and am very sorry for the loss of a great man. It is comforting to know that he is present with the Lord and all of his work here touched the lives of many people, including helping me spread the Good News. Thank you both for creating a product in the mobile space that extends into eternity.
Craig, thanks for letting us know, and share in both your sorrow and hope. I have been with you guys for years, have participated in beta testing for iOS and have been following Jeff’s blog since he got sick… I too feel like I’ve lost a friend, but for you it must be magnified many times over. I’m praying for you and his friends at Laridian, for Lu and Jeff and Lu’s family.